
Rachael is an engaging trainer who facilitates innovative and interactive workshops. She offers a depth and richness of knowledge, expertise and experience and a practical approach to skill development. Rachael values the experience and perspectives offered by every individual and encourages group interaction and peer learning.
With a background in workplace law, human resources and coaching managers and leaders, her training focuses on managing the tough stuff – performance issues, conduct and behaviour challenges, conflict and complaints. Her aim is to support people through these challenges with wisdom, skill and compassion.
Some of the workshops Rachael offer's are detailed below. She also works with clients to tailor workshops to their individual needs.
Workplace Behaviour - Drawing the Line (for Managers or Teams)
A new approach to engaging with a challenging area for teams and organisations, the workshop explores the full spectrum of workplace behaviour from unlawful behaviour through to behaviour aligned with values - and everything in between. We focus on ways of engaging in constructive conversations about where and how we 'draw the line' on what is acceptable and unacceptable in our workplaces. The manager version also covers the role of managers in setting the tone in their teams, having courageous conversations and upholding their responsibilities in managing behaviour.
Managing the Tough Stuff - Performance and Conduct Issues
Rachael’s unique approach offers a workshop that remains grounded within the applicable legal and regulatory frameworks while maintaining a human-centred perspective. Rachael’s extensive experience working with managers through a wide variety of complex people issues has given her a keen insight into the personal and professional challenges that managers face in tackling these matters.
Workplace Conflict - Improving Effectiveness in Managing Conflict
Rachael has teamed up with leading mediator, Nina Harding, to develop a workshop on workplace conflict. Their engaging and collaborative workshop is for HR practitioners and leaders wanting to develop an effective, efficient approach for dealing with conflict, and workplace disputes.
Interests-based Negotiation in the Workplace
This workshop provides an introduction to interests-based negotiation and its value in a workplace context, where parties are focused not only on the outcome but also on ensuring a fair process and building and maintaining positive working relationships.
Interests-based Negotiation in Enterprise Bargaining
With extensive experience in enterprise bargaining, Rachael is very familiar with the futility and frustration of traditional bargaining approaches. They can deliver little value to employers and employees and often unnecessarily damage relationships. This one-day workshop introduces the interests-based negotiation framework and examines the application of interests-based negotiation to an enterprise bargaining context. Rachael can also work with your bargaining team and executive group to introduce interests-based negotiation and support an interests-based approach to preparation, strategy and union and employee engagement.
Let's Talk About Flexibility
Conversations about workplace flexibility can be a fraught area for managers. Traditionally approached by workplaces and managers from a legal perspective, flexibility is now encouraged and embraced widely by organisations as being good for individuals and good for business. The reality is that there can still be challenges to navigate in delivering flexibility in a way that works for an individual, the team and the organisation. The conversations are critical. This workshop helps to build manager confidence and capability in making good decisions and having connected conversations to facilitate flexibility.